Ramon Puig Cuyàs, when jewellery becomes a metaphor
Published: 02.10.2019
- Editor:
- Sd. edicions
- Text by:
- Karl Bollmann, Rüdiger Joppien, M. J. Vilalta, Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Ana Campos
- Edited by:
- Sd. edicions
- Edited at:
- Barcelona
- Edited on:
- 2019
- Technical data:
- 392 pages, 21 x 24 cm, Hard Cover, Catalan/Spanish/English
- 978-84120199-3-3
- Price:
- from 44 €
- Order:
- Sd edicions Publisher

A book about Ramon Puig Cuyàs' 30 years of contemporary jewellery life. Until the first quarter of the 20th century, jewellery had been considered a lesser art, forming part of the decorative or applied arts. However, contemporary jewellery has broken these traditional schemes with artists such as Ramon Puig Cuyàs, who journeys through various walks of art.
Catalan goldsmith and jeweller; from 1977 until 2016, he was a professor of jewellery design and projects and teacher of history of modern jewellery at Barcelona's prestigious art school Massana, where he previously specialised from 1969 to 1974. Ramon Puig Cuyàs redefines jewellery conceived as an intellectual activity which fully partakes in the universal problems found in contemporary creation. Since the late 70's, he has curated and participated in numerous exhibitions; he has taught classes, given conferences and workshops in universities and jewellery schools, both in Europe and America; he has overseen numerous exhibitions in addition to being an advisor for jewellery shows in Barcelona, Pforzheim or Munich among others.
- Senyores i senyors 1985 - 1989
- Impressions de l'Atlàntida 1985 - 1989
- Constel lacions 1995 - 1997
- Arxipelags 1997 - 2001
- Marques cardinals 2001 - 2004
- Hortus conclusus Jardins tancats 2004 - 2005
- Imago mundi 2006 - 2007
- Corpus architectae 2007
- Utopos 2007 - 2009
- Net-work 2009 - 2013
- Arquitectures subtils 2012 - 2016
- Suite de Dresden. Variacions sobre un paisatge invisible 2014 - 2016
- Suite d'Erfurt Transparencies de la desmemoria 2014
- Suite La ciutat dels ocells 2014
- Genesis 2016 - 2017
- Suite Antartica 2016
- Natura morta 2016 - 2017
- Metamorfic 2016 - 2017
- Suite Pompeiana 2016
- Mapes per perdre's al bosc 2017 - 2018
- Els sons de la terra. Una arqueologia per al futur 2017 - 2018
- Editor:
- Sd. edicions
- Text by:
- Karl Bollmann, Rüdiger Joppien, M. J. Vilalta, Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Ana Campos
- Edited by:
- Sd. edicions
- Edited at:
- Barcelona
- Edited on:
- 2019
- Technical data:
- 392 pages, 21 x 24 cm, Hard Cover, Catalan/Spanish/English
- 978-84120199-3-3
- Price:
- from 44 €
- Order:
- Sd edicions Publisher
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