Chiara Scarpitti
Published: 17.04.2020
Transdisciplinary designer specialized in contemporary jewelry. PhD in Design at the University of Campania, she collaborates and teaches in different Academies of Design and Jewelry in Italy. From 2010 with her Studio, she develops and produces contemporary jewelry and art design objects, exhibiting in many galleries and museums worldwide. Her researches investigate different aspects of contemporary design, using advanced technologies with a humanistic vision and hybrid processes between digital industry and high handcraft.Statement
About Jewelry.My work comes from research both theorethical than experimental. Every piece is the final result of a long and complex process of thinking, design and production. My inspirations come from history, ancient immaginary and poetry. The aim is to reflect, from an antropological point of view, about the sense of materials, tecniques, shapes. I see the jewel in a sort of dialectical relationship with the poetic and visionary dimension of us. The works bud from a crossbreeding of materials and techniques, both digital and handcrafted. The same mixing is made between different tecniques as haute couture tailoring techniques, digital prints, industrial chemical cut, laser cut, rapid prototyping. The work explores the reactions between the jewelry and the body, people and the space around them. All is finalized to investigate a new kind of jewel as an intersection point between craftsmanship and industry, humanity and technology.
The Design Research.
The technical and aesthetic composition of artifacts is the metaphorical model aimed to express a vision about the world of the objects. The change which we glimpse at the horizon announces a transformation of productive processes, both materials and immaterial. Necessarily the Design must be a driving force that puts the thinking at the center of project through a deep path of transdisciplinary knowledges. This way of making research opens the door to a new form of culture, which harmoniously blends the disciplines of humanities, such as philosophy, aesthetics, anthropology along with scientific disciplines such as engineering materials, new machinery and technologies. This hybrid approach produces a new way of making objects and explores a new existential dimension of the human being. The products of this research are devices to reflect for a better future.
Katerina Glinou
Athens, Greece -
Babette von Dohnanyi
Hamburg, Germany -
Dania Chelminsky
Tel Aviv, Israel -
Helen Clara Hemsley
Copenhagen, Denmark -
Denis Music
Kyiv, Ukraine -
Andrea MAXA Halmschlager
Vienna, Austria -
Yonghak Jo
Halle, Germany -
Sari Liimatta
Lappeenranta, Finland -
Karin Roy Andersson
Gothenburg, Sweden -
Robin Shelton
Wilmington, United Kingdom -
Stephania Curreli
Alghero, Italy -
Martina Dempf
Berlin, Germany -
Deniz Turan
London, United Kingdom -
Ana Petrova
Lom, Bulgaria -
Jill Baker Gower
Lisle, United States